13 Jan 2020

2020. I'm off again.

Today proved my hunch was right. I've been watching the weather charts, in particular the position of the Jet Stream, for a few weeks. What seemed to be different this year was the Jet Stream looked a little further West than normal. This in turn seemed, to my uneducated way of looking at it, to be allowing warmer and drier weather over Asturia (NW Spain) and down the West Coast of Portugal.

Now I normally avoid West during Jan/Feb as the East Med Coast is traditionally drier and brighter. Note I did not say warmer. Readers of my previous blogs will be familiar with my yearly rants about how surprised I always am at the bitter cold winds that cut you in half which prevail all down the Eastern Med during Jan Feb & sometimes March.

This year though things are different. For a start I have no little doggy with me which prompted me to book the Portsmouth to Santandar ferry. In January this is always a risky crossing if you do not have good seafarers legs. No problem for me but after one previous awful crossing I had, against my better judgement, booked Tanya in the on board kennels. It was not good and I basically sat with her in my arms the whole night as she was traumatised, sick and trembling. I swore never to do it again unless I could get one of the few doggy friendly cabins. These are as rare as hens teeth and notoriously difficult to book. Consequently this is the first year I have returned to doing this trip after several years absence.
As usual the large Brittany Ferry was heavily populated with us silversurfers in our Moho's and the trip did not disappoint. We all got a good rough weather pounding as we rounded Brittany and ploughed our way through the Northern half of the bay of Biscay. I'm one of the lucky ones with the level of my discomfort being no more than having to keep knife pressed down on plate to keep it in place as fork travels to mouth with its parcel of food. There were some pretty green faces on view though. I do feel for them and always offer up a wee thank you for my own robust sea legs & stomach, which, after its Oesophagal Cancer alterations, is both fortunate and all the more to be thankful for.

Back to the weather and my hunch and prediction that the arrival in Santandar would be in bright and relatively warm, for January, sunshine. Well so it proved to be. So; as we all disembarked and all my fellow travelling Moho'ers rushed onto the Southbound, 'Costa's here I come' motorway I turned West for about an hours toddling along the coast road before settling for the night at a beautiful beach populated by a Sunday afternoon local population of family groups with their bbques, sand walking in bare feet Mum's n Dads, (children everywhere with wet Sunday best trainers... lol.) & in general everyone meandering in and out of the dunes and watching the spectacular surf breaking on beach, rocks and cliffs. Dark by seven pm and myself and one other English speaking guy from the Czech Republic had the whole place to ourselves. As an aside my Czech friend had arrived via Ireland where he had been jobbing as a carpenter in County Kerry just down from my son Keith and Family. Always a small world.

My hunch held today as well. Beautiful weather and a beautiful continuing slow drive Westwards but not on the busy A8 Motorway. The N632, former main road, proved a satisfyingly memorable drive. Twisty and slow yes. Busy no. Rocky coves with crashing surf and idyllic beaches to my right. Snow covered Picos mountain ranges glistening in the sun to my left. I know I'm not your run of the mill moho'er preferring smaller roads and just plain wandering rather than any plan or particular destination. But Oh; the joy of it. A quiet road with no one hassling to overtake, no deadline, uphill, downhill, twisty hairpins, green fields, scattered villages, enticing glimpses through groves of pine and Eucalyptus trees and even pleasure when Mrs Sat Nav brought me to a lunchtime car park with height barrier to keep 'them pesky Moho' ers' out'. No problem as we slowly wound our way up the very narrow lane to top of the cliffs and a wee gateway conveniantly Rap3 size. There was bonus too. A lovely circular walk down through the wood to the beach below.

I'm 'Gijon' tonight in a Moho Aire, which is full of Spanish & French moho'ers. Seems peaceful enough with the nearby rail line from the docks giving occasional but acceptable disturbance. I intend, providing my luck with the weather holds, to get bike out tomorrow and explore.

Al in all, and so far, a good start to this year's sojourn around the my much loved Iberian peninsular. Fingers crossed I keep Tiredness, Hunger and Cold firmly controlled which should keep me outside of that vulnerability zone where Stress, unplanned incidents and wrong decisions happen.

OMG........ What am I going to do, say ...... I mean, how am I gonna cope if it....... dare I say it.... Rains!!!

NB; There we are, I've finally done it. A Blog post. Not had the incentive or enthusiasm to 'Blog' for some considerable time. So here's a start. Hope you enjoy it. Warm thoughts to all my readers. 
It's a Sainsbury veggie steak. I've had better. 😱


Ry said...

Keep 'em coming, Steve.

Steve and Tanya's woof spot said...

Thanks Ry.

Katy said...

Great to have a blog to follow again x

RogerW said...

Glad you're venturing out again. Keep blogging along. Take care, Roger & Yvonne x

Anonymous said...

Well don't know what happened to my first comment, but I'll try again ...
Beautiful sunset (and meal, was wondering what the 'pancake' was!)
and I hope your weather predictions are coming true.
It is ccccold here, especially playing tennis!
Great to have a blog to read again Steve.
Happy and safe travels, lots of love Judith xx