12 Nov 2016

Cold but Snuggly

Wild camping, or being off grid as far as electricity goes can sometimes be challenging. In particular as winter approaches and requires a big draw on my twelve volt batteries just to keep warm. New technologies, for example; Lithium, largely solve the problem but are horrendously expensive. I'm afraid my budget will only stretch to the standard, albeit well tried and tested, Lead Acid batteries. Used correctly and sensibly these give me all the power I need but do need charging either by the solar panel or by driving so the engine charges them. What this way of life has made me aware of is how as a householder I took electricity  plus all its gadgetry for granted. I am a very enviromentally friendly user of electric power now. If I'm not then Foxy10's control panel in her lofty position above the door, simply bleeps at me and promptly turns all power off. She says to me. "I'm moving to emergency save the battery mode and you can go freeze yourself!"

This morning's bleep was the second such case. The first was during two days of heavy rain while Barbara was with me. Not the best way to introduce a sophisticated member of the feminine persuasion to a cold dark wet SW Ireland. I can assure you Foxy10's engine was promptly started and batteries re-charged.

The problem does have a solution. As usual it means more expense as Foxy10's batteries are well past their two/three year sell/use by date and need replacing.

Right now though I am snug and warm at my son's house where Foxy10 is plugged into mains electricity. These days I regard the infrequent times I am 'mains connected' as a real luxury, something to be appreciated and used sparingly and with caution. I mean .... I might get to like it too much.
Well this has been a remarkable Autumn. All the way to Ireland and back to Wales over a six week period with virtually no rain, very mild, and with gentle breezes. Bearing in mind the simple fact that travelling Westerly, ie; toward the Atlantic, historically has meant wet, wet and more wet, a moment or two of reflection upon such good fortune and benevolence from Universe is called for and will be given.

I move on Eastwards tomorrow. I Leave behind my contribution to the renovation work on the large X pub my Stepdaughter and partner now live in. I take with me matt white paint liberally distributed over hands and overalls and fond memories of evenings in front of the large log fire with toddler Mabel cuddling up to Tanya who, incidentally, was more affected by the crackling of the sizzling logs in the fire than by the firework displays going on all around.
On to visit Cousins in Gloucester and other friends. The weather turned very cold but Foxy10 is snuggly warm. Definitely an improvement on Sadie Changing the batteries has solved the power shortage problem too. Waking up in the morning with a zero tempature is still not nice but the speed at which Foxy's efficient little central heating boiler provides snuggly warmth is impressive.

Mind you; hot or freezing cold, waking up on 'Trump' morning and hearing the news was pretty damm tough. After the shocks of (thwarted) Scottish independance, Labour devastation, horribly insensitve right wing Tories and Brexit I should be used to it by now. To me the pattern seems to be full scale revolution via the ballot box. I hope and pray it stays that way and does not move into full scale blood letting, which, recent history has showed us, is always a possibility.

Maybe I ought to get my motorhome re-sprayed in camofluage green and brown just in case I gotta hide away in some thickly wooded valley deep within that awful place called Europe. 

Ho Hum Eh!