5 Nov 2014

New Fridge ... well nearly!

Followers of this blog will know that 'Final Fridge Doom Day' was only a matter of time. Well time is nigh. It is upon us. Bank balance has been raided. New and horrendously expensive fridge, is on its way. They are 'horrendously expensive' as they are a rather different animal from your conventional Curry's whitegoods special. As such they fall into a specialist category labelled 'Caravan or Motorhome' which for the manufacturer translates into: 'We'll charge you whatever we like.'

Day 1 ~ Old fridge removal.
This, surprisingly, was relatively easy. Exit was through Sadie's passenger door. Old fridge slid gently down the back of the folded and blanket covered passenger seat. The handle was removed from Sadie's door which facilitated a guiding/lowering of said fridge, to the floor with able bodied Hannah, Richards carer, assisting. Richard acted as dutiful observer.

Day 2 ~ New fridge arrival.
Excitement all round as a large well packed New fridge arrived. Unpacking and investigation were quickly followed by decisive action. No storing in the garage to be dealt with later by this skilled and willing crew. Oh no! New fridge was going straight into Sadie. This reverse operation was happily also trouble free with assistance once more from a very strong and willing Hannah.

Problem 1 ~ There always has to be one problem does there not? It is mandatory with any job or task as far as I know. Anyway this 'number 1' problem reared it's ugly and mocking face as I replaced/re-assembled Sadie's passenger door. I was required to re-connect the wiring to the electric window. Uhh ho! Guess who cocked up and blew a fuse!!  It took a lunch break, a longish think (Read; "How the hell did that happen.") and a scrabble about under the drivers seat before I finally found the blown fuse. Thankfully all worked well once new fuse was slotted neatly into its housing.

Problem 2 ~ (I find problems usually come in multiples of three. Read on, number three follows, big time!) Hannah & I decided to lift new fridge into position, which was a tight fitting wooden cabinet, to see if it would fit. Well it didn't but we established what needed modifying and removed the fridge. This was awkward and we damaged the gas burner pipe at the back of the fridge. Grrrrrrrr!

I decided 'enuffs enuff'. I gave myself the rest of the day off as I was now a grumpy old man with the added bonus of a fast developing snuffling and sneezing head cold. like lightening this head cold had actioned a nuclear explosion affect in all my snot, sneeze and feeling absolute crap departments.

Shoving, sawing, measuring and much pondering over the next few days saw one new fridge neatly slot into place all ready for a visit to local dealer 'Webbs' for a trade professional to connect up and test gas and electric connection. An hours job at the outside.

Yeeah right!!!

Gas no problem. Electric? Well lets just say we did establish that the fridge worked but after three hours of expensive labour charges I threw in the towel and said: 

"Done for. Can't afford no more." 

They were very understanding and Ian the experienced electrician was gutted at not having got to the root of the connection problem. The bill was tolerable and thankfully was for considerably less labour than actually expended.

Now I'm not going to bore you to death here with reams of technicality's. Much as I would love to I will refrain; satisfying myself instead with insider knowledge, as a former therapist, that personal therapy, or sectioning, is required for such technical outpourings. Lets just say that two days later, after blowing up a solenoid and nearly setting fire to Sadie I now sort of understand the electric system and am pleased to announce Sadie has a fully functioning brand new fridge.

We have a bonus too. A grumpy electric footstep. I believe I may have upset Monsieur footstep by setting fire to and thus damaging his personal solenoid. This essential item has decided to flash the French words 'Alarme, Alarme' at me accompanied by annoying, and dreadfully out of tune, buzzing noises.  

I guess, as a footstep life can be termed a raw deal when your sole purpose is to be continually stepped on but, hey; come on. I'll have you know I've been close to ending it all over the frustrating vagarities of Sadies highly complex electrics. Poor Richard did not quite know what to make of it two days ago after the unfortunate smoke pouring from Sadies control panel incident as I sat in his living room glum faced, deathly quiet and smelling of electric smoke. Mind you he did cheer up when I appeared for lunch toting Sadies control panel motherboard for us both to peer at with some vague idea of it miraculously fixing itself. Botch job and the blind leading the blind comes to mind.

So come on Monsieur footstep. Give us a break willya. Sort yourself out.