23 Dec 2015

Another year draws to a close.

Eric finished his long story of childhood wartime hardship, hard won financial security and tragic cancerous loss of his wife. Deftly, before he moved on to the next episode I sympathetically interjected bringing us to a pleasant bidding of farewells. Waves and offerings of Merry Christmas were exchanged as the gap between us widened.

Richard was by now well down the road scooting along on his wheelchair and probably shaking his head at this brother who once again gets waylaid by a total stranger stumbling along Salisbury's town path. One weighed down with shopping and moving in that determined way an old and crooked body moves when it knows only too well the mantra 'use it or lose it'.

My much younger legs lengthened their pace to keep up with Tanya, now eager to reach Middle Street Meadow, a rich source of interesting doggy smells. As I strolled slowly through the damp meadow grass I reflected on Eric. Upon his stories of East London wartime desolation. His luck, love, gains and losses and of how I, tomorrow, will also be bent over and slowly stumbling along with uneven gait easing painful hip joints. Possibly I too will be hoping for someone to patiently open their ears and hear my tale. Merry Christmas Eric.

Yes; it is that time of year again. Sadie is installed outside Richards house. Her leaky roof is now fixed. The bonnet that needed a stick to hold it open now has a spanky new gas strut fitted. There is fresh oil in her engine and a ferry booked for Santandar, Spain for Jan 6th.

This will be my 5th year of heading South to warmer climes. I've recently been reminded how it all started as I watched a TV program about the bitter 2010/11 winter. I remember it being -15°c for three whole weeks in East Kilbride which was enough for me thank you. I had to be very careful taking Tanya out too as her wee paws got stuck to the ice.

The awfulness of it was magnified through a lens of grief due to the recent death of my dear wife Kate. I determined during that cold and difficult time not to suffer such a winter again. By the end of 2011 I was the proud owner of Sadie the motorhome. Tenants were installed in my home and Tanya and I were heading South. The rest is history as they say.

I wonder what adventures await me during this forthcoming trip. Barbara will fly down to join me at some point. We may well travel back together visiting her son and family in Germany on the way.

Firstly though some quiet 'alone' (not forgetting Tanya of course.)  travelling time. Some reflective, meditative time in warmer climes under blue skies. That is the plan. However; plans and me are rarely seen in the same room together. Waking up to four inches of snow on the high Spanish plains, as has been experienced before, will hopefully not be part of the plan this year. No, Seville & its very pleasant winter climate seems to me to be a good first destination.

So. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you all & I'll do my best to keep this 'erratic' blog going.

Steve the wanderer and his equally wandering doggy, Tanya.