25 Jul 2019

Budleigh Salterton & heatwaves.

A mini heatwave they said, here in the UK. So here I am surreally parked up outside of, and holding the keys to, a lovely large house in Budleigh Salterton. My young sis and hubby finally completed their move to sunny Devon just a few days ago and I, always up for an adventure, arrived same time as the removal vans to give a hand. A busy couple of days before Sis and hubby swanned off again to attend a family function leaving yours truly in charge with, as I later established, all the house keys. Just glad I queried said possession of 'all' house keys before I Moho'd away having secured and locked up and then merrily posted all keys through the letterbox. An arrangement has been arrived at, say no more, nudge nudge, wink, wink.

Sunny Devon, heatwave defo happening according to all the media. So out it is with e bike and off we go to Exmouth in shirtsleeves only.  Hmmm.... not so warm along this shady tree tunnel of a former railway now a cycle track. Also not so warm in breezy and fairly cloud covered Exmouth. Guess some of it has to be down to me and this new slim, ie: no insulation, after cancer body of mine. I seem to be very sensitive to temperature change and had that confirmed as I noticed the large quantity of pearly white semi naked holidaymakers enthusiastically baring all to the cloudy sky, the breezy beach and the bracing salty Devonian sea. The coolness certainly did not spoil a most enjoyable day which ended with a decision to stay on for one more day.

So E bike came out again this morning and we set off along the narrow lanes and cycleways to Otterton and thence to Sidmouth. After consuming with relish one of the best Gazpacho soups I've ever tasted, courtesy of the working water wheel mill at Otterton, it was hard work fighting my way over the steep hill to Sidmouth.

Devon loves adorning its footpaths with nice timber kissing gates. My, now 'non doggy' footpath bikewalk expoditions with a heavy e bike are unfortunately not compatible with these kissing gates. With help from a friendly hiker with two of the gates (or was he just humouring me... lol) plus a lot of struggle I did manage all four pesky kissing gates. Needless to say after a pleasant couple hours in warm and sunny Sidmouth I returned via the lanes and proper cycleways. That is also some hill out of Sidmouth which well and truly tested my e bike. I had to get off and walk the steepest part but was glad to do so as without e bike I think it would have been taxi back then drive Moho to collect bike. All in all two very pleasant days exploring in beautiful weather this idyllic corner of Devon. Thank you sister Katy, hubby Robbie. I approve and will look forward to my next visit.

Wales and Ireland next.

And a bit of early local enlightened religious feminism too. Otterton Church.

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