29 Jan 2020

Sexy Quantum Breakdown.

Warning. This is long-ish as I have time on my hands (you'll see why as you read on) plus is the 'Quantum' that I alluded to in my last blog.
Beware.... lol
I'm fascinated by the latest 'Quantum' science which is turning much of what we, and scientists thought we knew about anything and everything upside down and topsy Turvey.

'Quantum Entanglement' is right there at the very cutting edge and if I'm reading it right (you are invited to laugh at this point readers.) it seems that at every moment of every day we are all affected by, and interacting with, squillions of entangled quantum particles.

The theory and the un-understandable squiggly equations of the mathematicians are telling us so; but the fundamental nature of 'Quantum world' is the very stuff of thinking itself. This creates difficulties around designing and carrying out experiments or trials in order to get hard scientific proof of what is actually going on. You can't do an experiment if by just thinking about it the intricate boundaries and balances of the experiment itself keep changing.

As I see it, where we are at right now is that just about everything science has told us, or taught us, to believe in as 'absolute fact' is back in the multi discipline scientific boiling pot of spooky quantum stew. This re-evaluation by the many scientific disciplines, of all 'known stuff', includes seriously, and scientifically looking into areas such as coincidence, para-normal, clairvoyance, spooky etc etc.

There has been, and is, a lot of excellent science with first class peer reviews in prestigious journals already done in this area.

'Psi' (Psychic experience) research will however; always be an area that has to work ten times harder than conventional science to get solid, verifiable and repeatable evidence accepted into the harsh academic domain of skeptical conventional or traditional science.

This is simply down to the fact of human conditioning around anything spooky, religious or smacking of pseudo science. Or indeed anything that fundamentally challenges our long held understanding or status quo. We all of us become skeptics very quickly when, for example, listening to someone tell a tall story while insisting: "It's true, it really did happen, I'm not kidding you on." For every solid scientist working in this 'Psi' field there are three times as many learned skeptical scientific critics.

My interest is sparked by the crossover of today's available scientific research and my own various and, so say, unexplainable happenings throughout my life. Not bad or particularly spooky experiences but just regular unexplainable happenings some of which are so common I rely on them and, as the other day, laugh at them and their mischief. Others fall into the realm of 'senior moments' or just a plain old self accusation of: 'How could I be so stupid'.

Now; entangled quantum particles are funny little things. There are lots of them in each of our cells and they are always intimately and instantaneously connected with a mate somewhere out there in the twitchy quantum space and time world that I, and I suspect others too, just cannot get our heads around. But for now let's just say this mate out there in quantum Land can pull strings. Those strings in turn literally twitch my daily reality moment by moment as I think, either consciously or unconsciously. This moment by moment thinking by me gets my resident entangled particles and his or her mates to chat and act.

Oh! One other thing about our quantum particle and his/her entangled mate. They are opposite. If I think '1' then entangled mate will instantaneously pull string number '0'. I think '0' and entangled mate pulls string labelled '1'. This is different to my smart phone or computer. If I press '1' then '1' comes up on the screen. So the computer screen I am looking at roughly, bar the odd mistake, reflects what is in my mind. This is not quite how it happens in the quirky quantum world of my daily reality.

My Motorhome, Rap3, is merrily spinning along the minor roads of Galicia, North West Spain. We've just left the very pleasant city of 'Ponte vedra' to toddle round the coast on my slow Southwards wandering journey. In my mind is 'Repsol fuel garage' for no specific reason other than I like to be consistent with the fuel I feed to Rap3. Normally they are everywhere, I am always passing them. But remember, I had this thought already in my mind so my resident quantum entanglers were sending out the message to their mates out there in quantum Universe. Yup: you've guessed. Not one 'Repsol' fuel stop appeared. My entanglers mates were of course twitching the strings of the universe in different 'quirky' and somewhat opposite directions. I passed plenty of fuel stations, just not 'Repsol' ones.

The situation was not at all urgent. In fact I remember chuckling at the situation as for me it really is a very common recurring mischievous theme or happening or call it what you like. What you want appears abundantly until that is, you actually really do want it and start concentrating on finding it. Then, whatever it is disappears.

The day continued and was a pleasant one. Lunchtime arrived as I pulled into 'Boira's' fishing port car park. All thoughts of fuel stops were now of course out of my mind. I step outside for a pleasant walk around this busy little coastal town. Not ten paces had passed before I espied just around the corner: yup! You've guessed it again. A 'Repsol' fuel station. Again I chuckled at the shenanagins of my quantum particle residents plus mates and their ability to mischievously tug at my daily, moment by moment world.

There is also, at least there is in my world or reality, a more serious side to this 'Quantum affect'. That's where I'm at right now. The balancing up, the swinging back of the pendulum, the sending out of too many quantum particle '1's or too many' 0's rather than a good balance. Unfortunately that is another simple fact of human nature. If we're in a good place, we want to stay there. If we're in a bad place we want out immediately.

This years trip, as attested to in my previous blog, was going well. Very well in fact. I have been very much at peace with myself, Rap3 has been on best behaviour and All in all Universe seemed to be looking after me ok. Even though this year I am without my beloved little canine friend Tanya.
As I strolled leisurely along the sandy beach watching rollers surfing in with whitecaps breaking and being peeled off by the offshore wind I thanked Universe for her benignity. I stopped still and quiet for a few moments before continuing my walk along this part of Portugals beautiful Atlantic beach at 'Apulia'. My walk was  a return one to 'Ramalha' beach car park where Rap3 was safely parked up.

There was an almost imperceptible disturbance though, at the back, way, way back, of the mind. I dropped something and noted I got unusually agitated. Later there was a very rowdy couple right behind Rap3 having their own way with the Universe. There's was definitely a 'f***ing ecstatic one! This uninvited external eroticism soon calmed down, as it does (lol) and a good nights sleep was enjoyed.

Next morning too, all was good and as I busied myself preparing to leave I mentally noted the short but sturdy and erect marker posts in front of Rap3.

"Must reverse out" I thought.

Half an hour later I turned the key, started up Rap3 and drove forward straight into the marker posts. Crunch, graunch and brown radiator water pouring out from underneath.

"F***ing hell Steve what have you done!"

In that instant and in particular with my use of the 'f' word it hit me. Quantum Entanglement and the conundrum of opposites.

Last night normal, ecstatic and noisy outside and at the rear of Rap3 with me having nothing whatsoever to do with the goings on apart from hearing them. Whereas this morning, even though consciously I had made sure I was fully aware of a potential hazard it was full on 'Steve is getting f***ed up' at the front of Rap3 with accompanying noises, movement, shock and horror and me 100% fully involved. Pretty well the opposite of ecstacy.

The previous nights external ecstacy also concluded with a driving away from the scene of action, which I never heard as presumably I had fallen asleep. I also was not about to hear any driving away from the present set of circumstances either. With a busted radiator there was only going to be one exit from my dilemma and that was going to be on the back of a breakdown truck.

Time has moved on and right now I'm staring out of a hotel window onto the damp, grey and cloudy urban hill landscape of 'Viana do Castelo'. I was here a few days ago in the sunshine parked down by the river and I enjoyed this cosmopolitan touristy town very much. Rap3 is now in a garage 3km away awaiting the arrival of parts. Meanwhile my 3 star, and ok, hotel is courtesy of my European breakdown recovery insurance.

All in all an unfortunate happening but one where time and money (the repairs are not gonna be cheap!) will eventually return a new normality.

Now; I know what you are saying about my 'Quantumisation' of the happenings. It is to be expected, along with the 'scoffing at' and the full blown 'what ridiculous assumptions'. I don't blame you. Such reactions are, In effect, perfectly normal and standard skeptic treatment. It is also pointless me trying to justify my quantum claims as so far science cannot separate or verify such individual claims/happenings from being in the realm of straightforward chance.

However; Science, in particular 'Para Psychology' (again 'Psi' research) has  for many years now proved emphatically that human quantum Entanglement (mind matter, matter mind or mind to remote mind) does, and is, happening way above what would be expected from mere chance.

These phenomena are now well documented and in fact pretty well accepted as fact. Military, gambling, insurance plus others use such information in their algorithm driven worlds on a daily basis. But we, the unwashed general public rarely hear about it.

Well; you'll be pleased to hear I'm going to leave it there. Apart that is from three or four quotations and to encourage reading around the subject if this blog has sparked interest.

However; let me assure you dear reader that if you have got this far I'm more than pleased and perfectly happy for you to apply or pour on whatever stream of skepticism or downright ridicule you wish.
I'd rather you stay safe than join this unpredictable, quirky and sometimes crazily baffling world that I seem to have popped up in.
Quote 1 (me) an attempt to put into words what repeatedly happens to me.

"I have observed when a situation happens involving heightened emotion, trauma, or deep/meditative mind states; then, at some future point a similar situation will be created. This second situation is non predictable. It will contain similarities, links, direct and opposites (sometimes direct geometric) that, when consciously post-examined, clearly relate it to the original situation".
The 'links', differences and possible 'geometric opposites' are important in that they establish an observable pattern as opposed to Chaos and Chance. They also enable removal of language usually associated with such happenings. Eg: coincidence, para normal, spooky, de ja vue, etc.

Quote 2 (Carl Jung)

"Loneliness (Ed - in my case a perfectly acceptable 'Aloneness') does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible.”

Quote 3  ('www.livescience.com' referring to Quantum experimentation by scientist Geraldo Barbosa.)

"..... it means our macroscopic brains can pick up subtle, microscopic quantum effects."

Quote 4 (Dean Radin. 'Entangled minds' Kindle edition.)

..... (now)... "I believe we will continue to find increasingly strong reasons to believe that some of the strange effects (already) observed in the microscopic world exist, not only in exotic realms, but also in the more intimate domain of human experience".

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