30 May 2015

Cleggy's & a Wedding.

"Two hours eh" I said to the receptionist. 

"Guess I had better wait then. Sign me in." I continued, sighing resignedly.

A form was duly completed, identification produced and I was in. The Salisbury 24/7 NHS drop in clinic now had me on its books and in its clutches.

Such is the situation on a Bank Holiday Saturday in the UK when faced with a bad cleggy (Horsefly) bite that was alarmingly and rapidly swelling and red lining up my arm toward my armpit. To be truthful I am not sure I would have noticed but Barbara's sharp eyes and previous bad experience with her son who displayed similar was enough for me to place bum on bike seat and transport myself to the clinic.

France and the Cherbourg ferry terminal were several days behind. Salisbury plus all the razzamatazz surrounding preparations for my brother Richards daughters wedding were in full swing. Barbara had flown down from Scotland to join me and had noticed my 'affliction' over a leisurely breakfast on this, the day before the wedding. Well it would be wouldn't it.

Think about it. I travel the length and breadth of three European countries facing the onslaught of all those foreign speaking, stinging and eating beasties only to be floored by a standard model British blood sucking cleggy. A cleggy whose timing was perfection itself with these alarmingly visual symptoms manifesting on the day before I am due to don my best (and ironed) finery to appear fit happy and healthy in front of Bride and Groom. Ho Hum eh!!
- - - -
I'm happy to report Cleggy bite became a non issue and that a wonderful day was had by all as Ruth Woodward willingly and beautifully wedded Chris. Mr and Mrs Larkin are now enjoying Greek sunshine while we are left pleasurably reflecting upon a memorable day.
- - - -
Ireland next and a visit to my son and his family across in Co Kerry. Sadie and Tanya have both been scrubbed clean. Ferry is booked. I've fresh books on my kindle and a new Tibetan Flute meditation CD downloaded to my phone. What more could one ask or want! We're ready to roll tomorrow morning.

OH!! Fridge is empty. First call .... Tesco!!

11 May 2015

Thunder, elections & pornography.

Claps of thunder had Tanya trembling with fear at the foot of the bed. The thunder rumbling round the mountains was getting closer and, under protest, had me out of my warm bed and stumbling outside. Half awake I stuffed our folding table and chairs underneath Sadie before the inevitable rain storm soaked them. As I clambered back into Sadie I took pity on Tanya and deposited her between the now awakened Barbara and myself. I lay back on comfy pillows and listened as the thunderstorm passed overhead hammering Sadie's roof with rain. As the storm abated and the roof hammering quietened I chuckled to myself as twin snoring of dog and Barbara became audible and slowly lulled me back to my dreams.

I awoke later to a glorious sunshiny morning. Our third at this high and isolated flower strewn meadow here in the heart of Cathar Castle country between 'Davejean' and 'Dernacueillete'. I extricated myself carefully from the bed and the continuing hilarious snorty breathing of my two female companions.

I love early morning walks where sun has only just risen above horizon and where leaf and grass stalk stillness has not yet been disturbed by thermal breezes. Tanya too has a special bounciness on these morning walks. She was not missing this one either having timed her waking to coincide exactly with my exit from Sadie. We returned refreshed to a morning cup of tea with Barbara who was already sipping away at hers as the rising sun flooded our day with warmth and light.

The morning was 'doubly' good as we, via our smartphones, read of the amazing 2015 election results for the Scottish Nationalist Party. A complete landslide victory with all opposition virtually obliterated. A wonderful but intriguing result as it also became clear that similar had happened for Tories South of the border in England. The retired English couple we met later in the day on our travels agreed wholeheartedly that interesting times lay ahead.

We breakfasted and started to prepare for departure. I stepped out from Sadie's little room stark naked after my morning ablutions. This was no problem in such a beautiful high and lonely spot. However; as I stepped in front of our wide open doorway both Barbara and I, at the same time, became aware of an arm reaching out as if to knock on said open door. Attached to the arm was a frozen in shock young mans face with eyes wide open and on a similar level to my rather close full frontal exposure. Thankfully the older female with him was a good few paces behind. I executed a quick sideways move behind the kitchen unit saving her from an instant pornographic shock induced mental aberration.

The young mans arm then shakily delivered 'Watchtower' as the older female caught up with him. I am truly not joking here. In the middle of a lonely rural 'Pyrenees Orientales' flowering meadow in France. Plus; in a place where for two whole days we had seen nobody, Jehovahs Witnesses knocked on our door and handed over their religious blurb, written incidentally in English. Barbara and I discussed the grave situation later that morning. We both agreed it was such a shame for that poor young man. Let us hope that a long term combination of therapy and prayer assists him back to full recovery.

Bye bye Barbara. Delivered safely to Tolouse airport just a few hours ago. We have enjoyed a wonderful time together with parting being not a sad affair at all. We both agree our way of sharing time with each other is a win win situation. Long may it continue and see you in a couple of weeks Barbara at the family wedding.

Now: suppose I'd better do a bit of pointy North type of travel now if I am to be at said family occasion too.

4 May 2015

Nougat & Water tank

Barbara's face was a picture. It moved as if to speak but was unable to do so. Finally she came to halt in front of me holding up a posh paper bag. She then, with ashen white face said: 

"Sixty five Euros, the Nougat cost sixty five Euros!"

"Whaat!" I exclaimed.

The day was warm and sunny. We were in good mood and earlier I had enjoyed my first sea swim of this trip in the cold but gentle sea at 'St's Marie sur mer' on the southern extremity of the 'Camargue'. The crowded tourist filled streets of 'St's Marie' had lulled us into that vulnerable and barriers down holiday feeling so beloved by tourists and sharp witted tourist shop owners alike. The delicious display of local traditionally made nut and honey Nougat plus the charming sales skill of the owner/producer took us in completely. Blithely we said "oui, oui" to all that was offered.  

The sixty five Euro Nougat is now a standing joke and thankfully the colour has returned to Barbara's face as well.

Oh! The Nougat is delicious too.
"Errr Steve, I've got wet feet again." 

Said Barbara as we returned to Sadie from our very pleasant day out wandering the tourist hot spot streets of 'Carcasonne, la Cite'. Nougat and Chocolate shops had been successfully avoided helped by an enjoyable meal of delicious 'Croc madame plus chips'. Oh! and a direct hit by a pigeon on Barbara's freshly washed stripy top. Revenge I am sure for Tanya's skill at clearing said pigeons from the floor around the restaurant tables.

The wet feet indicated a very wet floor in Sadie which in turn indicated a leak from our on board water storage tank. The 'again' bit was due to the same thing happening a few days previous which we thought we had solved.

"Damm" I muttered seeing ahead of me the stripping down of Sadie's interior in order for me to once again access and investigate the water tank. We headed away from 'Carcasonne' and perched ourselves amid Thyme scented countryside overlooking the high wild country south of us in this the 'Pyrenese-Orientales' region of France.

"Got it" I exclaimed with relief as a water fitting collapsed in my hand during the probing and testing of all water leak possibilities. Repair, re-assembly and replacing of furniture followed before a very welcome order was issued by first officer Barbara.  

"Now sit down while I get our tea". Needless to say I obeyed.
Waking up with sun streaming through Sadie's windows; with  thyme scented warm air caressing the nose; with no set agenda for the day and bird song as the only sound. It is just such luxury. Then to have eyes massaged with a view of vineyards stretching away then rising in the distance of the 'Haut Languedoc' area. Well; Such magic times are the gems peppering my wandering lifestyle. To share such a magic morning with my much loved companion Barbara is privilege indeed. There was even icing on the cake. The water tank seemed to be cured of its leak and floor was drying out well in the increasing warmth of the day.

Mind you; Universe did have one more mischievous water tank trick to play out. On our slow and leisurely way through the gorgeously quiet French country lanes to 'La Grasse Abbey' we stopped for lunch on the edge of a vineyard by a small brook. Kettle was produced and tap turned on to fill it. Water pump ground into action but no water came gushing forth. Barbara looked at me and I looked at her. In unison we groaned:  

"Oh no what now!"  

A half strip out of the bench seat housing our water tank was undertaken followed by a peering once again into its depths. Thankfully this time Universe was in good mood, having had his/her previous water tank chuckle at our expense. A simple solution was provided. A rubber washer, clearly visible, was blocking the suction pipe. An unseen left over from the previous nights repair which was quickly fished out. Water  again gushed forth. Lunch was enjoyed and our journey to some of this regions stunning Cathar castles resumed.